The Team Approach to Tax, Financial and Estate Planning

by Lance Wallach

CPAs are the best and most qualified professionals when it comes to serving their clients needs, but they need to know when and how to coordinate with other experts.

Over the last twenty years we have worked with thousands of practitioners who have decided to add financial services to their practices. They do it for a variety of reasons, but the most common are as follows:

*They don’t want to refer their client elsewhere when they request financial services.
* They want to remain competitive.
*They want to diversify and increase their revenue as opposed to depending solely on tax and accounting revenue.

While helping these professionals add planning and investment services to their core offerings, we have found that they achieve four main benefits after doing so:

1. They are more satisfied with their work.
2. Their clients are more satisfied because they can work with someone they trust to meet financial goals.
3. Their clients give them more referrals.
4. Their incomes increase.

We believe that CPAs are the most appropriate--and perhaps the only--professionals who can provide comprehensive financial services to clients because they understand their clients' tax and financial situations. Their clients trust these practitioners to provide professional advice that is in their best interest. In fact, we believe that tax professionals have an obligation and responsibility to advise their clients, and clients expect their professionals to advise them in these important areas.

With a combination of never-ending tax reform, the Tax Code's significant and complex changes, and the market volatility we've experienced over the past few years, clients need guidance more than ever. Practitioners who provide financial planning and investment advisory services are in a position to advise and assist their clients with these issues.

Practitioners just starting out in this arena may not possess the myriad skill sets and substantive knowledge required to embark on new business ventures.

 CPAs who don't have all of the necessary talent in-house may find it easier to associate themselves with strategic "partners" who can provide the proper skill sets, training, technology, support and turnkey solutions in their specialized disciplines and niches, to help identify and meet their clients' financial goals.

Adapted from "The Team Approach to Tax, Financial & Estate Planning," edited by Lance Wallach, with chapters by Katharine Gratwick Baker, Fredda Herz Brown, Dr. Stanly J. Feldman, Ira Kaplan, Joseph W. Maczuga, Roger E. Nauheimer, Roger C. Ochs, Matthew J. O'Connor, Richard Preston, Steve Riley, Carl Lloyd Sheeler, Peter Spero, Paul J. Williams, and Roger M. Winsby. Product 017235.


  1. The Truth Behind Section 79 Benefit Plans—I Can't Stand

  2. Lance Wallach
    Shared publicly - Yesterday 8:54 AM

    Lance Wallach
    Shared publicly - Mar 6, 2014

    Section 79 Plans
    412i, 419e plans litigation and IRS Audit Experts for abusive insurance reportable or listed transactions by the IRS,Section 79, Section 79 Lawsuits,412i, 419e plans litigation and IRS Audit Experts for abusive insurance based plans deemed reportable or listed transactions by the IRS.Benistar,412i Lawsuits,419 lawsuits,412i Help,419 Help, IRS Audits,412i Problems,412i problems, Expert Witness Lance Wallach,412i Help,419 Help, Benistar Lawsuits, 412i lawsuits,419 lawsuits,

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    419 & 412i benefit plan,abusive tax shelters, Lance Wallach Expert Witness

    Thursday, March 6, 2014
    Lance Wallach Life Insurance: complex scams involving life insurance policies
    Lance Wallach Life Insurance: complex scams involving life insurance policies: There are a lot of complex scams involving life insurance policies. What looks like a good idea on paper may leave you with fewer assets an..

  4. If employee terminates employment, he can continue the policy by paying additional premiums himself as needed or letting policy run off existing cash values.
    Generally at least ten employees must be covered. Less than ten employee groups may qualify under Section 79 if they fall within an exception to the general rule.

    Tax deducts premiums actually contributed on corporate tax return, under "Employee Benefit Programs."
    No Government approval required.
    Minimum record-keeping

    Employee has includable income equal to the cost of the permanent benefit provided by the employer, reduced by any amounts paid by the employee.
    If employee contributions are equal to or greater than employer contributions, the net result is no taxable income to the employee on the cost of insurance. Any dividends actually or constructively received are taxed. (Treas. Reg. 1.79-1(d)(1))
    These plans are sold so insurance agents can make commissions.

    The information provided herein is not intended as legal, accounting, financial or any type of advice for any specific individual or other entity. You should contact an appropriate professional for any such advice.
    Posted by Lance Wallach at 12/12/2013 4:45 PM
    Categories: uncategorized
    Tags: lance wallach Section 79

  5. Great information great blog, keep sharing. Have a look at this also Real Estate Tax
